
REAXIS® C248 (Dibutyltin Oxide) is a dialkyl organotin typically used as an esterification catalyst. Commonly referred to as DBTO or Dibutyloxotin, REAXIS® C248 is characterized by a high tin content (~ 48%) and oxide ligand which imparts both high reactivity and high-temperature stability.  REAXIS® C248 is supplied as a solid and can be supplied as a stable liquid with suitable diluents such as plasticizers and silanes. Related liquid-grade versions of Dibuytltin Oxide include REAXIS® C248D, which includes a plasticizer and a relatively high tin content, REAXIS® C248DP, which contains a plasticizer and lower tin content, REAXIS® C248DN, which also contains a plasticizer but has a lower overall tin volume, REAXIS® C248T, which contains a silane complex, and REAXIS® C248VM, which is another variant of our DBTO and silane compound. These liquid versions are used as catalysts for silicone condensation reactions. REAXIS® C248LC is a solid-grade version with improved particle size distribution and lower chloride content. 


Technical Information

  • Product Category Organotin

  • Chemical Name Dibutyltin Oxide

  • CAS Number 818-08-6

Typical Specifications

Parameter Range
Tin Content (%) 47.0 Min
Chloride (%) 0.2 Max
Loss On Drying (%) 0.5 Max

International Regulatory Listings

  • TSCA (US) Yes

  • DSL (Canada) Yes

  • AICS (Australia) Yes

  • KECI (South Korea) Yes

  • IECSC (China) Yes

  • ENCS (Japan) Yes

  • TCSI (Taiwan) Yes

  • NZloC (New Zealand) Yes

  • PICCS (The Philippines) Yes


REAXIS® C248 is primarily used as a homogenous tin catalyst for fatty acid-based saturated and unsaturated monomeric and polymeric esters. REAXIS® C248 can be used as a transesterification catalyst and is used in the synthesis of alkyd resins. REAXIS® C248 and REAXIS® C248LC are used in electro-coat (E-coat) applications, where the latter is preferred given the more controlled particle size and lower chlorides. In its plasticizer and silane liquid forms, Dibutyltin Oxide is a good silicone condensation catalyst for adhesive, sealant, and coatings formulations, especially those formulations using silane-terminated polymers (STPs). Alternative catalysts for esterification reactions include REAXIS® C220 (Monobutyltin Tris-(Ethylhexanaote)), REAXIS® C160 (Stannous Oxalate) and REAXIS® C129 (Stannous Octoate).



REAXIS® C248 has a few characteristics that make it a suitable catalyst for a wide range of high-temperature esterification reactions. These include a high active tin content, dialkyl content, and the presence of an oxide ligand. These characteristics of Dibutyltin Oxide result in a tin catalyst with good compatibility in a wide range of ester formulations, high reactivity leading to lower reaction times and the synthesis of low color end products, stability at typical reactions temperatures (180-230C), and hydrolytic stability in the presence of water generated during esterification. 


Package & Storage

  • 55 lb (25 kg) pails

REAXIS® C248 should be stored in the original packaging at moderate temperatures. The container should be closed tightly after each use to maximize shelf life. 


Safety and Handling

Before use of Reaxis products please refer to the relevant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for safety and toxicological data as well as for the information on proper transportation, storage, and use. SDSs are available by request via our web site reaxis.com, contacting your local representative, or emailing direct to techservices@reaxis.com.




Hazard Classification (US SDS)

Section Hazard Class Category Hazard Statement
A.10 acute toxicity (oral) 3 H301
A.2 skin corrosion/irritation 2 H315
A.3 serious eye damage/eye irritation 1 H318
A.4S skin sensitization 1 H317
A.5 germ cell mutagenicity 2 H341
A.7 reproductive toxicity 1B H360FD
A.8 specific target organ toxicity - single exposure 1 H370
A.9 specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure 1 H372
B.cD combustible dust Comb. Dust OSHA003

Hazard Pictograms (US SDS)


Transportation Information (US SDS)

DOT IMDG ICAO Environment Hazard
UN Number UN 3146 UN 3146 UN 3146 hazardous to the aquatic environment
UN Proper Shipping Name Organotin compound, solid, n.o.s. ORGANOTIN COMPOUND, SOLID, N.O.S. Organotin compound, solid, n.o.s.
Transport Class 6.1 6.1 6.1
Packing Group lll lll lll

Primary Composition Substance(s)

  • Dibutyltin oxide

Alternative Product(s) to Consider

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This information is provided to the best of our knowledge but without obligation. Reaxis is not liable for any incorrect or missing information. This data sheet becomes invalid upon publication of a new version. Please contact us for the latest version.